It has been a little while since my last "In the Kitchen" addition, and all I can say is I'm sorry. I really have been cooking and baking up a storm these past couple of weeks, and I even took pictures of the food, but... There have been a couple of events that kind of took my mind off of posting. Things including the Phillies winning the World Series, which of course being a suburbanite of Philadelphia, you know I was down there partying it up at this place the night they won, joining in the crowds on Broad St. afterwards, and then traveling downtown once more on Friday to take part in the amazing parade. And then there was the Election and of course the stresses of preparing a Thanksgiving dinner. Finally, after my evening run with Metayo, I found some quite time to sit down in front of the computer and share a few of my cooking ventures with you. I now present you with an amazing cheesecake recipe by the incredibly talented and always dependable Dorie Greenspan. Being the first cheesecake I have ever made, I was quite proud at how it turned out, and so was everyone who tasted it. Since it is not a recipe of my own, I thought I'd take another photo of a Roasted Garlic and Butternut Squash Penne I conjured up for my sister, who always asks me to whip something up for her on Tuesdays. The recipe for the Penne dish is as follows, but you can find the cheesecake recipe here, and I do suggest that you try it immediately!!
Roasted Garlic & Butternut Squash Penne
1 medium butternut squash, peeled and cubed.
5-6 whole garlic cloves
1 shallot, chopped or diced
6 sages leaves, julienned.
1 tbsp. E.V. Olive Oil
3 tbsp. butter + 1 tsp. E.V. Olive Oil
1/8 tsp. Anchovy paste (Incredibly subtle, nutty NOT fishy flavor)
Red Pepper Flake to taste
Pinch of Nutmeg
Salt and Pepper
1 Box whole wheat Penne
Preheat oven to 375 degrees. In a bowl, combine 1 tbsp. oil with butternut squash, garlic, salt and pepper. Pour onto baking sheet and place in oven, mid rack for 10-15minutes until golden. If needed, you can broil them for a few minutes to get the tops nice and brown. Take out and and allow to cool. In a saute pan, add butter and 1 tsp. oil, anchovy paste and shallots. Allow butter to brown slightly, and add red pepper flakes, salt and pepper to taste, and sage leaves. Cook whole wheat penne until al dente, and add into saute pan, along with a splash or two of pasta water or white wine. Slice roasted garlic into thin or thick slivers, and add that and butternut squash to pan. Heat through and serve. (* This is the perfect dish for fall; nutty and comforting. You could also try adding a green such as broccoli rab or spinach as well!)

*Sorry for the not-top quality cheesecake photos, darkness had fallen by the time it chilled and I don't like using the flash.