Okay, so I know I said "more coming soon," but you know me and "soon" simply means a minimum of a week ;). Sorry about the long departure, but I am kinda feeling good about this whole spring blogging thing. You see last year when I created my blog I couldn't stop making new posts or visiting new sites. But now that its been over a year, I pretty much have thoroughly looked at most of the blogs I love, and now I am left with occasional daily check ups to see who updated theirs, while mine sits here dull and lonesome. I think that happens to all of us in blogland at one point or another, I know that when I first discovered blogging by googling "Shabby Chic" and winding up on one of the queen of bloglands sites, I was utterly amazed and couldn't believe the world in which I had just ventured into, and now I feel as though that excitement has blossomed with the coming of Spring once again, and hopefully as a benefit to all of my dear blog readers, you will be seeing a whole lot more posts, with all things crafty and inspiring!
Off the topic of my blog and onto the Flower Show, I know you have been waiting for these, so here they are. Students from the University of the Arts in Philadelphia were to make their debut to the public by creating beautiful dresses out of recycled items. My favorite would have to be the one above, made of old film. The orange plastic barricade one is also very nice, but I did not snap a photo of the one made of rubber gloves with imprinted faces because it was really creepy; I mean silence of the lambs creepy ;) Below the dresses are pieces of jewelry made of natural items such as leaves & twigs, etcetera. I personally think that the artists included in this years flower show totally blew the arrangements out of the water. Very very creative people out there might I add! And scattered throughout are some more vignettes of New Orleans streets, and close up shots of a floral alligator, cherry blossoms & of course roses!Perfect post for the first day of Spring huh? Enjoy!

1 comment:
Hey Girlie!
You won the Halloween Flash Card giveaway on my blog!!!
I want to see what you do with them, you better post pictures!
Email me your address so I can send them on their way to you!
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