WOW, just 5 more days until the big one!! And is it that horrible for me to say that I still have yet to go Christmas Shopping!?!? Yes my friends, it is true... I am a procrastinator, and this is one of the worst cases for me. I cannot believe that I have waited until five days remain to buy a load of presents that wouldn't even fit on Santa's sleigh!! To make myself feel a little less anxious, I have bought a few presents for my mom, but that is all. I do have lists upon lists of present ideas for people, so I've gotten the "What to get?" question dealt with, now I just need to fight the traffic and the lines at America's second largest mall. I am usually a shop-a-holic, visiting the mall at least once a week, but I... haven't... been there in.... 2 months!! How have I been able to live?? Just kidding, but you would think that for someone who loves shopping so much that they would go and get it done and over with. Well, I am going today my friends, venturing out into a world of Christmas Chaos and last minute shoppers (ehem...) and getting it all finished. This is not just another one of those "half promises" of mine, this is a fact! ( You see I must tell myself that so I don't totally have a Christmas Breakdown.
Anyhoo, I am going today, meeting my sister for lunch, then perhaps shop with her for a little bit, see what extravagant new items she's been eyeing up, and see if my pockets don't burn holes in themselves by the end of the night. I also have to get wrapping paper, probably brown kraft paper with luxurious ribbon or raffia and tea stained tags. I am still unsure; I bought this really pretty blue plaid print at Target, with brown velvet ribbon, but I am unsure if it is matte or shiny. I like to use matte finished papers, don't ask why, I just think it looks better. Alrighty, well I am going to finish up here, since I do have a ton to do today, and hopefully the next time I post, you will see dozens of beautifully wrapped gifts with a nice cup of hot coco and The Grinch playing in the background! Wishing you timely holiday shopping and wrapping, as well as cups of frothy hot chocolate!!
ps: Today is my 50th post, somewhere in the near future, you will be seeing a suprise for all of my dear readers... Make sure you stay tuned!!
Hi Genevieve, Just take a deep breath and hit the malls and inspiration will come to you.
Years ago, too many to count, I would do all my shopping on the Saturday before Christmas and I have a cousin who would finish shopping Christmas Eve in the drugstore. So you my dear are not alone.
Have a very Happy Christmas
Hugs Karen
Good luck with your christmas shopping. I truly enjoy reading your blog :-)
Merry Christmas :)
Hope you had a blessed Christmas!! Wishing you and yours a happy and prosperous 2008!!!
Gostei muito desse post e seu blog é muito interessante, vou passar por aqui sempre =) Depois dá uma passada lá no meu site, que é sobre o CresceNet, espero que goste. O endereço dele é http://www.provedorcrescenet.com . Um abraço.
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